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In line with the office's holistic organisation, we believe that sustainability only exists when different expertises and visions are brought together. Sustainable construction can never be an isolated topic and will only become meaningful when different project aspects are harmonised.

In order to realise this intention, our sustainable approach is grouped around the following focal points;



Every design starts with a well-considered implantation and a thorough analysis of the context. The idea is, on the one hand, to reduce the impact of the construction on the environment, but on the other hand, to make optimal use of the existing conditions.


Use of materials

Together, we are transforming the linear approach into a circular model where products and materials are recovered and reused at the end of their life cycle. The building sector, including the entire building stock, plays an essential role in the transition towards a circular economy.



Low-tech solutions are preferred by means of an appropriate layout and optimal interconnection of spaces. Daylight, acoustics and indoor air quality are our priorities here.


Innovative and forward-looking design processes

The life expectancy of a building today is estimated at 60 years, which is less than the life expectancy of its user. Lifestyles and needs change, a reality that we keep in mind from the very first sketch.


Energy performance

By aiming for zero energy, our projects are often more efficient than the regulations require, and the use of renewable energies is a priority. ÁRTER is keen to take the lead in building a climate-neutral Europe by 2050, together with its partners.



As a multidisciplinary office, we look beyond the building itself. Flora and fauna are not only safeguarded as much as possible, but also used in the energetic project. In our projects, sustainable water management is developed at both site and building levels.

The Environment department groups this integral vision and implements it within each of our projects. In order to guarantee this throughout the life cycle of a project, it has several specialists and certified BREEAM-assessors, who deepen and broaden this department through continuous training and evolving expertise.

As a member of various environmental platforms - in particular as an active member of Ecobuild.Brussels - ÁRTER Architects strengthens our planet before, during and after the construction site!

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