Architecture is that part of the built environment which seduces the soul and takes its place in memory.
At best, this architecture is drawn from the first conceptual aims, directed by technical considerations, matured under the influence of social and human confrontations, purified by budget and time limits. At worst, however, it is condemned to submersion under the mass of compromise, hi-jacked by concerns other than space and social values, lost to personal and political strategies, abandoned to banality…
Yet architecture can be invested with the force to stimulate our imagination, can play a role in the living memory of our cities and can put into question our critical attitude towards the world around us, can be comprehensible, allegorical, conceptual, social.
It is this architecture which has our interest and inspires our research.
The aim here is not to attempt an analysis of one or other working method, pushing us into strict ways of working, frameworks or formulae. Only the historic, financial and urban canevas and social values are relevant. Our architecture is written into its environment, inserted : an architecture of accompaniment, of contrast, of accentuation, of completion, of interpretation, of structure where necessary. Our architecture is always relative, it never aims at absolutist rigour.
Our abstract handwriting helps us visualise in the clearest and most honest way imaginable, these architectural images, free of retro tendencies and historicist formalism.